Rory Pilgrim, The Undercurrent, 2019

Group Exhibition

"Come Sing Along! On Raising Our Voices"

exhibition / Announcement

Group Exhibition
"Come Sing Along! On Raising Our Voices"

Artist(s): Sammy Baloji, Chto Delat, Michèle Pearson Clarke , Clément Cogitore, Ines Doujak, Noam Enbar , Nikolaus Gansterer , Mathilde ter Heijne, Dejan Kaludjerović, Mikhail Karikis, Uriel Orlow, Helmut und Johanna Kandl , Anton Kolig, Nengi Omuku, Christian Jankowski , Maria Lassnig und Hubert Sielecki, Rory Pilgrim, Ayumi Paul, Gerhard Rühm, Henk Schut , Bartolina Xixa, Bruce Yonemoto, Otto Zitko

Date: 04.10.2024 - 01.01.2025

Location: Lentos Kunstmuseum, Linz

The exhibition is dedicated to the aspect of communal singing from the perspective of contemporary art. The Lentos show brings together 22 national and international positions for which voice and singing are fundamental reference points.
Alone in the shower, with our children in the car, or with strangers in a stadium – singing is everywhere. Singing is not just a way to pass the time. It also creates community, is a way to express identities, and conveys dissent and resistance during protests. The exhibition brings together 22 approaches to the subject
of singing, focusing on new interpretations and adaptations as well as music as a collective practice. "Singing brings people together, expresses emotions, and conveys important messages. This exhibition demonstrates how artists use singing to make their concerns visible and audible," says Hemma Schmutz,
Director of the Lentos Museum.
Come Sing Along! combines video and sound installations with participatory projects and visual works of art that enable visitors to experience the voice, singing, and community in multiple ways within an exhibition environment designed by Jakob Neulinger. "It is about rediscovering and making visible the potential of communal singing—as a powerful expression of unity and togetherness in times of increasing social division," explain the curators Klaus Speidel and Sarah Jonas. The exhibition presents multifaceted interpretations of the theme, featuring international artists such as Nengi Omuku (NG), Michèle Pearson Clarke (TT/CA), Rory Pilgrim (GB/NL), and Henk Schutt (NL), being shown in Austria for the first time.
Additionally, works by Ines Doujak (AT), Nikolaus Gansterer (AT), and Ayumi Paul (DE/JP/GR) have been specially created for the Lentos exhibition. "With 'Come Sing Along!' the Lentos is making a bold and, above all, international statement in celebration of the Anton Bruckner Year 2024. The exhibition invites people to
rediscover the power of the voice and to actively engage with societal issues," emphasizes Doris Lang-Mayerhofer, City Councillor for Culture, Tourism, and Creative Industries.

For more information please visit the website.

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